We all had that one best friend in the ’90s—the one we’d spend hours on the phone with, gossip about how strict our parents were, and coordinate matching outfits. Looking back, a lot has changed when it comes to best friend dynamics, but the fundamentals remain the same. We still spend late nights chatting with our BFF, still share secrets, and yes, still coordinate outfits, only to pretend it was a coincidence. Let’s be honest, the biggest difference now is that we drink way more wine.
Best friends were like the siblings we never had—or maybe we did, but didn’t always get along with them. While your siblings might have stolen your favorite toys or run around the yard with your training bra on their head (not that this happened to anyone we know), your BFF was the one you prank-called people with and leaned on when your crush held hands with someone else.
While the years may have passed, the importance of best friends, both in the ’90s and today, remains constant.
1. The Fights We Get Into
’90s: Your BFF promised to take care of your Tamagotchi while you were on vacation, but let it die. You couldn’t look at her the same way after that.
Today: Instead of dramatic fights, we leave passive-aggressive comments on social media or avoid liking each other’s Instagram posts.
2. Making Up
’90s: You’d pass her a note in class with frown faces and “LYLAS” (Love You Like A Sister) to smooth things over.
Today: Now, we settle arguments over $12 Starbucks lattes and a selfie together to show it’s all good.
3. Friday Night Fun
’90s: We’d hit the mall, buy fake nose rings from Claire’s, and sneak into an R-rated movie. Total rebels.
Today: A night out? No thanks. Give us Netflix, wine, and a cozy blanket. That’s how we do FriYAY now.
4. Playing Wingwoman
’90s: After figuring out who your soulmate was via cootie catcher, your BFF staged a run-in during science class and kept other girls away.
Today: Every BFF knows the modern way to help you find love—by stalking him on Facebook for hours using just his middle name and a vague mutual connection.

5. Squad Goals
’90s: You needed three more friends to form the perfect Spice Girls squad.
Today: You only need one more person for the “Single Ladies” dance, but let’s be real, you’re not much of a people person anymore. Your BFF is more than enough.
6. Gossiping
’90s: You gossiped about the girl who showed up to school with the same scrunchie or who took your slap bracelet.
Today: Now it’s all about the latest drama on Game of Thrones or some celebrity’s latest scandal.
7. Supporting Each Other Through Heartbreak
’90s: Your BFF would bring an extra Cosmic Brownie to class when you were going through a breakup.
Today: Heartbreak recovery consists of yoga, manis/pedis, $5 wine, and a night out where your BFF helps you fend off any unwanted attention.
8. Staying in Touch
’90s: You’d ring each other’s doorbells or call their house and hope their dad wouldn’t answer.
Today: Words? Who needs them? We communicate entirely through emojis now.
9. Getting Into Trouble
’90s: Mischief was harmless—like Ding Dong Ditch or TP-ing the neighbor’s house.
Today: If your BFF is also your work buddy, you’re probably getting in trouble for showing up late to work because you had to grab coffee together first.
10. Sticking Up for Each Other
’90s: When trouble broke out on the playground, you’d run and tell your parents.
Today: We keep things cool. A night out with dozens of photos on Facebook is enough to show the haters what they’re missing.
11. Showing Off Your Friendship
’90s: BFF friendship bracelets were everything.
Today: Matching tattoos are trendy, but if that’s too much, updating your Facebook status to “in a relationship” with each other will do the trick. It’s hilarious and gives everyone a good laugh.